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/*-------------------------------- LineIcons Web Font Author: -------------------------------- */ @font-face { font-family: 'LineIcons'; src: url('../fonts/LineIcons.eot'); src: url('../fonts/LineIcons.eot') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/LineIcons.woff2') format('woff2'), url('../fonts/LineIcons.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/LineIcons.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/LineIcons.svg') format('svg'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } /*------------------------ base class definition -------------------------*/ .lni { display: inline-block; font: normal normal normal 1em/1 'LineIcons'; color: inherit; flex-shrink: 0; speak: none; text-transform: none; line-height: 1; vertical-align: -.125em; /* Better Font Rendering */ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } /*------------------------ change icon size -------------------------*/ /* relative units */ .lni-sm { font-size: 0.8em; } .lni-lg { font-size: 1.2em; } /* absolute units */ .lni-16 { font-size: 16px; } .lni-32 { font-size: 32px; } /*------------------------ spinning icons -------------------------*/ .lni-is-spinning { animation: lni-spin 1s infinite linear; } @keyframes lni-spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } /*------------------------ rotated/flipped icons -------------------------*/ .lni-rotate-90 { transform: rotate(90deg); } .lni-rotate-180 { transform: rotate(180deg); } .lni-rotate-270 { transform: rotate(270deg); } .lni-flip-y { transform: scaleY(-1); } .lni-flip-x { transform: scaleX(-1); } /*------------------------ icons -------------------------*/ .lni-500px::before { content: "\ea03"; } .lni-add-files::before { content: "\ea01"; } .lni-adobe::before { content: "\ea06"; } .lni-agenda::before { content: "\ea02"; } .lni-airbnb::before { content: "\ea07"; } .lni-alarm-clock::before { content: "\ea08"; } .lni-alarm::before { content: "\ea04"; } .lni-amazon-original::before { content: "\ea05"; } .lni-amazon-pay::before { content: "\ea09"; } .lni-amazon::before { content: "\ea0a"; } .lni-ambulance::before { content: "\ea0b"; } .lni-amex::before { content: "\ea0c"; } .lni-anchor::before { content: "\ea0d"; } .lni-android-original::before { content: "\ea0e"; } .lni-android::before { content: "\ea0f"; } .lni-angellist::before { content: "\ea10"; } .lni-angle-double-down::before { content: "\ea11"; } .lni-angle-double-left::before { content: "\ea12"; } .lni-angle-double-right::before { content: "\ea13"; } .lni-angle-double-up::before { content: "\ea14"; } .lni-angular::before { content: "\ea15"; } .lni-apartment::before { content: "\ea16"; } .lni-app-store::before { content: "\ea17"; } .lni-apple-music::before { content: "\ea18"; } .lni-apple-pay::before { content: "\ea19"; } .lni-apple::before { content: "\ea1a"; } .lni-archive::before { content: "\ea1f"; } .lni-arrow-down-circle::before { content: "\ea1b"; } .lni-arrow-down::before { content: "\ea1c"; } .lni-arrow-left-circle::before { content: "\ea1d"; } .lni-arrow-left::before { content: "\ea1e"; } .lni-arrow-right-circle::before { content: "\ea20"; } .lni-arrow-right::before { content: "\ea21"; } .lni-arrow-top-left::before { content: "\ea22"; } .lni-arrow-top-right::before { content: "\ea23"; } .lni-arrow-up-circle::before { content: "\ea24"; } .lni-arrow-up::before { content: "\ea25"; } .lni-arrows-horizontal::before { content: "\ea26"; } .lni-arrows-vertical::before { content: "\ea27"; } .lni-atlassian::before { content: "\ea28"; } .lni-aws::before { content: "\ea29"; } .lni-azure::before { content: "\ea2a"; } .lni-backward::before { content: "\ea2b"; } .lni-baloon::before { content: "\ea2c"; } .lni-ban::before { content: "\ea2d"; } .lni-bar-chart::before { content: "\ea2e"; } .lni-basketball::before { content: "\ea2f"; } .lni-behance-original::before { content: "\ea30"; } .lni-behance::before { content: "\ea31"; } .lni-bi-cycle::before { content: "\ea32"; } .lni-bitbucket::before { content: "\ea33"; } .lni-bitcoin::before { content: "\ea34"; } .lni-blackboard::before { content: "\ea35"; } .lni-blogger::before { content: "\ea36"; } .lni-bluetooth-original::before { content: "\ea37"; } .lni-bluetooth::before { content: "\ea38"; } .lni-bold::before { content: "\ea39"; } .lni-bolt-alt::before { content: "\ea3a"; } .lni-bolt::before { content: "\ea40"; } .lni-book::before { content: "\ea3b"; } .lni-bookmark-alt::before { content: "\ea3c"; } .lni-bookmark::before { content: "\ea3d"; } .lni-bootstrap::before { content: "\ea3e"; } .lni-bricks::before { content: "\ea3f"; } .lni-bridge::before { content: "\ea41"; } .lni-briefcase::before { content: "\ea42"; } .lni-brush-alt::before { content: "\ea43"; } .lni-brush::before { content: "\ea44"; } .lni-btc::before { content: "\ea45"; } .lni-bubble::before { content: "\ea46"; } .lni-bug::before { content: "\ea47"; } .lni-bulb::before { content: "\ea48"; } .lni-bullhorn::before { content: "\ea49"; } .lni-burger::before { content: "\ea4a"; } .lni-bus::before { content: "\ea4b"; } .lni-cake::before { content: "\ea4c"; } .lni-calculator::before { content: "\ea4d"; } .lni-calendar::before { content: "\ea4e"; } .lni-camera::before { content: "\ea4f"; } .lni-candy-cane::before { content: "\ea50"; } .lni-candy::before { content: "\ea51"; } .lni-capsule::before { content: "\ea52"; } .lni-car-alt::before { content: "\ea53"; } .lni-car::before { content: "\ea54"; } .lni-caravan::before { content: "\ea55"; } .lni-cart-full::before { content: "\ea56"; } .lni-cart::before { content: "\ea57"; } .lni-certificate::before { content: "\ea58"; } .lni-check-box::before { content: "\ea59"; } .lni-checkmark-circle::before { content: "\ea5a"; } .lni-checkmark::before { content: "\ea5b"; } .lni-chef-hat::before { content: "\ea5c"; } .lni-chevron-down-circle::before { content: "\ea5d"; } .lni-chevron-down::before { content: "\ea5e"; } .lni-chevron-left-circle::before { content: "\ea5f"; } .lni-chevron-left::before { content: "\ea60"; } .lni-chevron-right-circle::before { content: "\ea61"; } .lni-chevron-right::before { content: "\ea62"; } .lni-chevron-up-circle::before { content: "\ea63"; } .lni-chevron-up::before { content: "\ea64"; } .lni-chrome::before { content: "\ea65"; } .lni-chromecast::before { content: "\ea66"; } .lni-circle-minus::before { content: "\ea67"; } .lni-circle-plus::before { content: "\ea68"; } .lni-clipboard::before { content: "\ea69"; } .lni-close::before { content: "\ea6a"; } .lni-cloud-check::before { content: "\ea6b"; } .lni-cloud-download::before { content: "\ea6c"; } .lni-cloud-network::before { content: "\ea6d"; } .lni-cloud-sync::before { content: "\ea6e"; } .lni-cloud-upload::before { content: "\ea6f"; } .lni-cloud::before { content: "\ea70"; } .lni-cloudflare::before { content: "\ea71"; } .lni-cloudy-sun::before { content: "\ea72"; } .lni-code-alt::before { content: "\ea73"; } .lni-code::before { content: "\ea74"; } .lni-codepen::before { content: "\ea75"; } .lni-coffee-cup::before { content: "\ea76"; } .lni-cog::before { content: "\ea77"; } .lni-cogs::before { content: "\ea78"; } .lni-coin::before { content: "\ea79"; } .lni-comments-alt::before { content: "\ea7a"; } .lni-comments-reply::before { content: "\ea7b"; } .lni-comments::before { content: "\ea7c"; } .lni-compass::before { content: "\ea7d"; } .lni-connectdevelop::before { content: "\ea7e"; } .lni-construction-hammer::before { content: "\ea7f"; } .lni-construction::before { content: "\ea80"; } .lni-consulting::before { content: "\ea81"; } .lni-control-panel::before { content: "\ea82"; } .lni-cool::before { content: "\ea83"; } .lni-cpanel::before { content: "\ea84"; } .lni-creative-commons::before { content: "\ea85"; } .lni-credit-cards::before { content: "\ea86"; } .lni-crop::before { content: "\ea87"; } .lni-cross-circle::before { content: "\ea88"; } .lni-crown::before { content: "\ea89"; } .lni-css3::before { content: "\ea8a"; } .lni-cup::before { content: "\ea8b"; } .lni-customer::before { content: "\ea8c"; } .lni-cut::before { content: "\ea8d"; } .lni-dashboard::before { content: "\ea8e"; } .lni-database::before { content: "\ea8f"; } .lni-delivery::before { content: "\ea90"; } .lni-dev::before { content: "\ea91"; } .lni-diamond-alt::before { content: "\ea92"; } .lni-diamond::before { content: "\ea93"; } .lni-digitalocean::before { content: "\ea94"; } .lni-diners-club::before { content: "\ea95"; } .lni-dinner::before { content: "\ea96"; } .lni-direction-alt::before { content: "\ea97"; } .lni-direction-ltr::before { content: "\ea98"; } .lni-direction-rtl::before { content: "\ea99"; } .lni-direction::before { content: "\ea9a"; } .lni-discord::before { content: "\ea9b"; } .lni-discover::before { content: "\ea9c"; } .lni-display-alt::before { content: "\ea9d"; } .lni-display::before { content: "\ea9e"; } .lni-docker::before { content: "\ea9f"; } .lni-dollar::before { content: "\eaa0"; } .lni-domain::before { content: "\eaa1"; } .lni-download::before { content: "\eaa2"; } .lni-dribbble::before { content: "\eaa3"; } .lni-drop::before { content: "\eaa4"; } .lni-dropbox-original::before { content: "\eaa5"; } .lni-dropbox::before { content: "\eaa6"; } .lni-drupal-original::before { content: "\eaa7"; } .lni-drupal::before { content: "\eaa8"; } .lni-dumbbell::before { content: "\eaa9"; } .lni-edge::before { content: "\eaaa"; } .lni-empty-file::before { content: "\eaab"; } .lni-enter::before { content: "\eaac"; } .lni-envato::before { content: "\eaad"; } .lni-envelope::before { content: "\eaae"; } .lni-eraser::before { content: "\eaaf"; } .lni-euro::before { content: "\eab0"; } .lni-exit-down::before { content: "\eab1"; } .lni-exit-up::before { content: "\eab2"; } .lni-exit::before { content: "\eab3"; } .lni-eye::before { content: "\eab4"; } .lni-facebook-filled::before { content: "\eab5"; } .lni-facebook-messenger::before { content: "\eab6"; } .lni-facebook-original::before { content: "\eab7"; } .lni-facebook-oval::before { content: "\eab8"; } .lni-facebook::before { content: "\eab9"; } .lni-figma::before { content: "\eaba"; } .lni-files::before { content: "\eabb"; } .lni-firefox-original::before { content: "\eabc"; } .lni-firefox::before { content: "\eabd"; } .lni-fireworks::before { content: "\eabe"; } .lni-first-aid::before { content: "\eabf"; } .lni-flag-alt::before { content: "\eac0"; } .lni-flag::before { content: "\eac1"; } .lni-flags::before { content: "\eac2"; } .lni-flickr::before { content: "\eac3"; } .lni-flower::before { content: "\eac4"; } .lni-folder::before { content: "\eac5"; } .lni-forward::before { content: "\eac6"; } .lni-frame-expand::before { content: "\eac7"; } .lni-fresh-juice::before { content: "\eac8"; } .lni-friendly::before { content: "\eac9"; } .lni-full-screen::before { content: "\eaca"; } .lni-funnel::before { content: "\eacb"; } .lni-gallery::before { content: "\eacc"; } .lni-game::before { content: "\eacd"; } .lni-gatsby::before { content: "\eace"; } .lni-gift::before { content: "\eacf"; } .lni-git::before { content: "\ead0"; } .lni-github-original::before { content: "\ead1"; } .lni-github::before { content: "\ead2"; } .lni-goodreads::before { content: "\ead3"; } .lni-google-drive::before { content: "\ead4"; } .lni-google-pay::before { content: "\ead5"; } .lni-google-wallet::before { content: "\ead6"; } .lni-google::before { content: "\ead7"; } .lni-graduation::before { content: "\ead8"; } .lni-graph::before { content: "\ead9"; } .lni-grid-alt::before { content: "\eada"; } .lni-grid::before { content: "\eadb"; } .lni-grow::before { content: "\eadc"; } .lni-hacker-news::before { content: "\eadd"; } .lni-hammer::before { content: "\eade"; } .lni-hand::before { content: "\eadf"; } .lni-handshake::before { content: "\eae0"; } .lni-happy::before { content: "\eae1"; } .lni-harddrive::before { content: "\eae2"; } .lni-headphone-alt::before { content: "\eae3"; } .lni-headphone::before { content: "\eae4"; } .lni-heart-filled::before { content: "\eae5"; } .lni-heart-monitor::before { content: "\eae6"; } .lni-heart::before { content: "\eae7"; } .lni-helicopter::before { content: "\eae8"; } .lni-helmet::before { content: "\eae9"; } .lni-help::before { content: "\eaea"; } .lni-highlight-alt::before { content: "\eaeb"; } .lni-highlight::before { content: "\eaec"; } .lni-home::before { content: "\eaed"; } .lni-hospital::before { content: "\eaee"; } .lni-hourglass::before { content: "\eaef"; } .lni-html5::before { content: "\eaf0"; } .lni-image::before { content: "\eaf1"; } .lni-imdb::before { content: "\eaf2"; } .lni-inbox::before { content: "\eaf3"; } .lni-indent-decrease::before { content: "\eaf4"; } .lni-indent-increase::before { content: "\eaf5"; } .lni-infinite::before { content: "\eaf6"; } .lni-information::before { content: "\eaf7"; } .lni-instagram-filled::before { content: "\eaf8"; } .lni-instagram-original::before { content: "\eaf9"; } .lni-instagram::before { content: "\eafa"; } .lni-invention::before { content: "\eafb"; } .lni-invest-monitor::before { content: "\eafc"; } .lni-investment::before { content: "\eafd"; } .lni-island::before { content: "\eafe"; } .lni-italic::before { content: "\eaff"; } .lni-java::before { content: "\eb00"; } .lni-javascript::before { content: "\eb01"; } .lni-jcb::before { content: "\eb02"; } .lni-joomla-original::before { content: "\eb03"; } .lni-joomla::before { content: "\eb04"; } .lni-jsfiddle::before { content: "\eb05"; } .lni-juice::before { content: "\eb06"; } .lni-key::before { content: "\eb07"; } .lni-keyboard::before { content: "\eb08"; } .lni-keyword-research::before { content: "\eb09"; } .lni-laptop-phone::before { content: "\eb0a"; } .lni-laptop::before { content: "\eb0b"; } .lni-laravel::before { content: "\eb0c"; } .lni-layers::before { content: "\eb0d"; } .lni-layout::before { content: "\eb0e"; } .lni-leaf::before { content: "\eb0f"; } .lni-library::before { content: "\eb10"; } .lni-license::before { content: "\eb11"; } .lni-lifering::before { content: "\eb12"; } .lni-line-dashed::before { content: "\eb13"; } .lni-line-dotted::before { content: "\eb14"; } .lni-line-double::before { content: "\eb15"; } .lni-line-spacing::before { content: "\eb16"; } .lni-line::before { content: "\eb17"; } .lni-lineicons-alt::before { content: "\eb18"; } .lni-lineicons::before { content: "\eb19"; } .lni-link::before { content: "\eb1a"; } .lni-linkedin-original::before { content: "\eb1b"; } .lni-linkedin::before { content: "\eb1c"; } .lni-list::before { content: "\eb1d"; } .lni-lock-alt::before { content: "\eb1e"; } .lni-lock::before { content: "\eb1f"; } .lni-magento::before { content: "\eb20"; } .lni-magnet::before { content: "\eb21"; } .lni-magnifier::before { content: "\eb22"; } .lni-mailchimp::before { content: "\eb23"; } .lni-map-marker::before { content: "\eb24"; } .lni-map::before { content: "\eb25"; } .lni-markdown::before { content: "\eb26"; } .lni-mashroom::before { content: "\eb27"; } .lni-mastercard::before { content: "\eb28"; } .lni-medium::before { content: "\eb29"; } .lni-menu::before { content: "\eb2a"; } .lni-mic::before { content: "\eb2b"; } .lni-microphone::before { content: "\eb2c"; } .lni-microscope::before { content: "\eb2d"; } .lni-microsoft-edge::before { content: "\eb2e"; } .lni-microsoft::before { content: "\eb2f"; } .lni-minus::before { content: "\eb30"; } .lni-mobile::before { content: "\eb31"; } .lni-money-location::before { content: "\eb32"; } .lni-money-protection::before { content: "\eb33"; } .lni-more-alt::before { content: "\eb34"; } .lni-more::before { content: "\eb35"; } .lni-mouse::before { content: "\eb36"; } .lni-move::before { content: "\eb37"; } .lni-music::before { content: "\eb38"; } .lni-netlify::before { content: "\eb39"; } .lni-network::before { content: "\eb3a"; } .lni-night::before { content: "\eb3b"; } .lni-nodejs-alt::before { content: "\eb3c"; } .lni-nodejs::before { content: "\eb3d"; } .lni-notepad::before { content: "\eb3e"; } .lni-npm::before { content: "\eb3f"; } .lni-offer::before { content: "\eb40"; } .lni-opera::before { content: "\eb41"; } .lni-package::before { content: "\eb42"; } .lni-page-break::before { content: "\eb43"; } .lni-pagination::before { content: "\eb44"; } .lni-paint-bucket::before { content: "\eb45"; } .lni-paint-roller::before { content: "\eb46"; } .lni-pallet::before { content: "\eb47"; } .lni-paperclip::before { content: "\eb48"; } .lni-patreon::before { content: "\eb49"; } .lni-pause::before { content: "\eb4a"; } .lni-paypal-original::before { content: "\eb4b"; } .lni-paypal::before { content: "\eb4c"; } .lni-pencil-alt::before { content: "\eb4d"; } .lni-pencil::before { content: "\eb4e"; } .lni-phone-set::before { content: "\eb4f"; } .lni-phone::before { content: "\eb50"; } .lni-php::before { content: "\eb51"; } .lni-pie-chart::before { content: "\eb52"; } .lni-pilcrow::before { content: "\eb53"; } .lni-pin::before { content: "\eb54"; } .lni-pinterest::before { content: "\eb55"; } .lni-pizza::before { content: "\eb56"; } .lni-plane::before { content: "\eb57"; } .lni-play-store::before { content: "\eb58"; } .lni-play::before { content: "\eb59"; } .lni-playstation::before { content: "\eb5a"; } .lni-plug::before { content: "\eb5b"; } .lni-plus::before { content: "\eb5c"; } .lni-pointer-down::before { content: "\eb5d"; } .lni-pointer-left::before { content: "\eb5e"; } .lni-pointer-right::before { content: "\eb5f"; } .lni-pointer-top::before { content: "\eb60"; } .lni-pointer::before { content: "\eb61"; } .lni-popup::before { content: "\eb62"; } .lni-postcard::before { content: "\eb63"; } .lni-pound::before { content: "\eb64"; } .lni-power-switch::before { content: "\eb65"; } .lni-printer::before { content: "\eb66"; } .lni-producthunt::before { content: "\eb67"; } .lni-protection::before { content: "\eb68"; } .lni-pulse::before { content: "\eb69"; } .lni-pyramids::before { content: "\eb6a"; } .lni-python::before { content: "\eb6b"; } .lni-question-circle::before { content: "\eb6c"; } .lni-quora::before { content: "\eb6d"; } .lni-quotation::before { content: "\eb6e"; } .lni-radio-button::before { content: "\eb6f"; } .lni-rain::before { content: "\eb70"; } .lni-react::before { content: "\eb73"; } .lni-reddit::before { content: "\eb71"; } .lni-reload::before { content: "\eb72"; } .lni-remove-file::before { content: "\eb74"; } .lni-reply::before { content: "\eb75"; } .lni-restaurant::before { content: "\eb76"; } .lni-revenue::before { content: "\eb77"; } .lni-road::before { content: "\eb78"; } .lni-rocket::before { content: "\eb79"; } .lni-rss-feed::before { content: "\eb7a"; } .lni-ruler-alt::before { content: "\eb7b"; } .lni-ruler-pencil::before { content: "\eb7c"; } .lni-ruler::before { content: "\eb7d"; } .lni-rupee::before { content: "\eb7e"; } .lni-sad::before { content: "\eb7f"; } .lni-save::before { content: "\eb80"; } .lni-school-bench-alt::before { content: "\eb81"; } .lni-school-bench::before { content: "\eb82"; } .lni-scooter::before { content: "\eb83"; } .lni-scroll-down::before { content: "\eb84"; } .lni-search-alt::before { content: "\eb85"; } .lni-search::before { content: "\eb86"; } .lni-select::before { content: "\eb87"; } .lni-seo::before { content: "\eb88"; } .lni-service::before { content: "\eb89"; } .lni-share-alt-1::before { content: "\eb8a"; } .lni-share-alt::before { content: "\eb8b"; } .lni-share::before { content: "\eb8c"; } .lni-shield::before { content: "\eb8d"; } .lni-shift-left::before { content: "\eb8e"; } .lni-shift-right::before { content: "\eb8f"; 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