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<?php /* Plugin Name: Loco Translate Plugin URI: Description: Translate themes and plugins directly in WordPress Author: Tim Whitlock Version: 2.6.11 Requires at least: 5.2 Requires PHP: 5.6.20 Tested up to: 6.6.0 Author URI: Text Domain: loco-translate Domain Path: /languages/ */ // disallow execution out of context if( ! function_exists('is_admin') ){ return; } /** * Get absolute path to Loco primary plugin file * @return string */ function loco_plugin_file(){ return __FILE__; } /** * Get version of this plugin * @return string */ function loco_plugin_version(){ return '2.6.11'; } /** * Get Loco plugin handle, used by WordPress to identify plugin as a relative path * @return string probably "loco-translate/loco.php" */ function loco_plugin_self(){ static $handle; isset($handle) or $handle = plugin_basename(__FILE__); return $handle; } /** * Get absolute path to plugin root directory * @return string __DIR__ */ function loco_plugin_root(){ return __DIR__; } /** * Check whether currently running in debug mode * @return bool */ function loco_debugging(){ return apply_filters('loco_debug', WP_DEBUG ); } /** * Whether currently processing an Ajax request * @return bool */ function loco_doing_ajax(){ return defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX; } /** * Evaluate a constant by name * @param string $name * @return mixed */ if( ! function_exists('loco_constant') ) { function loco_constant( $name ) { return defined($name) ? constant($name) : null; } } /** * Runtime inclusion of any file under plugin root * @param string $relpath PHP file path relative to __DIR__ * @return mixed return value from included file */ function loco_include( $relpath ){ $path = loco_plugin_root().'/'.$relpath; if( ! file_exists($path) ){ $message = 'File not found: '.$path; // debug specifics to error log in case full call stack not visible if( 'cli' !== PHP_SAPI ) { error_log( sprintf( '[Loco.debug] Failed on loco_include(%s). !file_exists(%s)', var_export($relpath,true), var_export($path,true) ), 0 ); } // handle circular file inclusion error if error class not found if( loco_class_exists('Loco_error_Exception') ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception($message); } else { throw new Exception($message.'; additionally src/error/Exception.php not loadable'); } } return include $path; } /** * Require dependant library once only * @param string $path PHP file path relative to ./lib * @return void */ function loco_require_lib( $path ){ require_once loco_plugin_root().'/lib/'.$path; } /** * Check PHP extension required by Loco and load polyfill if needed * @param string $name * @return bool */ function loco_check_extension( $name ) { static $cache = array(); if( ! array_key_exists($name,$cache) ) { if( extension_loaded($name) ){ $cache[$name] = true; } else { // translators: %s refers to the name of a missing PHP extension, for example "mbstring". Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn( sprintf( __('Loco Translate requires the "%s" PHP extension. Ask your hosting provider to install it','loco-translate'), $name ) ); class_exists( ucfirst($name).'Extension' ); // <- pings Loco_hooks_AdminHooks::autoload_compat $cache[$name] = false; } } return $cache[$name]; } /** * Class autoloader for Loco classes under src directory. * e.g. class "Loco_foo_Bar" will be found in "src/foo/Bar.php" * * @internal * @param string $name * @return void */ function loco_autoload( $name ){ if( 'Loco_' === substr($name,0,5) ){ loco_include( 'src/'.strtr( substr($name,5), '_', '/' ).'.php' ); } } /** * class_exists wrapper that fails silently. * @param string $class Class name * @return bool */ function loco_class_exists( $class ){ try { return class_exists($class,true); } catch( Exception $e ){ return false; } } // Startup errors will raise notices. Check your error logs if error reporting is quiet try { spl_autoload_register('loco_autoload'); // provide safe directory for custom translations that won't be deleted during auto-updates if ( ! defined( 'LOCO_LANG_DIR' ) ) { define( 'LOCO_LANG_DIR', trailingslashit( loco_constant('WP_LANG_DIR') ) . 'loco' ); } // text domain loading helper for custom file locations. Set constant empty to disable if ( LOCO_LANG_DIR ) { new Loco_hooks_LoadHelper; } // initialize hooks for admin screens if ( is_admin() ) { new Loco_hooks_AdminHooks; } // enable wp cli commands if( class_exists('WP_CLI',false) ) { WP_CLI::add_command('loco','Loco_cli_Commands'); } } catch( Exception $e ){ trigger_error(sprintf('[Loco.fatal] %s in %s:%u',$e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine() ) ); } /** @noinspection PhpElementIsNotAvailableInCurrentPhpVersionInspection */ catch( Throwable $e ){ trigger_error(sprintf('[Loco.fatal] %s in %s:%u',$e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine() ) ); }