File "CnbSettingsViewEdit.php"
Full Path: /home/flipjqml/
File size: 31.72 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8
namespace cnb\admin\settings;
// don't load directly
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die( '-1' );
use cnb\admin\api\CnbAppRemote;
use cnb\admin\domain\CnbDomain;
use cnb\admin\domain\CnbDomainViewEdit;
use cnb\admin\legacy\CnbLegacyEdit;
use cnb\admin\models\CnbUser;
use cnb\utils\CnbAdminFunctions;
use cnb\notices\CnbAdminNotices;
use cnb\utils\CnbUtils;
use WP_Error;
class CnbSettingsViewEdit {
function header() {
echo 'Settings';
private function create_tab_url( $tab ) {
$url = admin_url( 'admin.php' );
return add_query_arg(
'page' => 'call-now-button-settings',
'tab' => $tab
$url );
* This is only rendered on the /legacy/ version of the Plugin
* @return void
private function render_legacy_options() {
$view = new CnbLegacyEdit();
<th colspan="2"><h2>Tracking</h2></th>
<th colspan="2"><h2>Button display</h2></th>
private function render_error_reporting_options() {
$cnb_utils = new CnbUtils();
<th colspan="2"><h2>Miscellaneous</h2></th>
<th>Errors and usage</th>
<input type="hidden" name="cnb[error_reporting]" value="0"/>
<input id="cnb-error-reporting" class="cnb_toggle_checkbox" type="checkbox"
value="1" <?php checked( $cnb_utils->is_reporting_enabled() ); ?> />
<label for="cnb-error-reporting" class="cnb_toggle_label">Toggle</label>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb-error-reporting"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_false">(Not sharing)</span>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb-error-reporting"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_true">Share</span>
<p class="description">Allows us to capture anonymous error reports and usage statistics to help us
improve the product.</p>
* @param $cnb_user CnbUser|WP_Error
* @return void
private function render_account_options( $cnb_user ) {
global $wp_version;
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
$show_advanced_view_only = CnbSettingsController::is_advanced_view();
$adminFunctions = new CnbAdminFunctions();
$cnb_utils = new CnbUtils();
<table data-tab-name="account_options"
class="form-table <?php echo esc_attr( $adminFunctions->is_active_tab( 'account_options' ) ) ?>">
<th colspan="2"></th>
<?php if ( $cnb_user !== null && ! is_wp_error( $cnb_user ) ) { ?>
<th scope="row">Account owner</th>
<?php echo esc_html( $cnb_user->name ) ?>
if ( $cnb_user->email !== $cnb_user->name ) {
echo esc_html( ' (' . $cnb_user->email . ')' );
} ?>
<th scope="row">Account ID</th>
<code id="cnb_user_id"><?php echo esc_html( $cnb_user->id ) ?></code>
<th scope="row">Invoices</th>
<td><a href="#" onclick="return cnb_goto_billing_portal()">Billing portal</a>
<th>Product updates</th>
<input type="hidden" name="cnb[user_marketing_email_opt_in]" value="0"/>
<input id="cnb_user_marketing_email_opt_in" class="cnb_toggle_checkbox"
value="1" <?php checked( $cnb_user->marketingData->emailOptIn ); ?> />
<label for="cnb_user_marketing_email_opt_in" class="cnb_toggle_label">Receive e-mail</label>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb_user_marketing_email_opt_in"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_false">(Disabled)</span>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="user_marketing_email_opt_in"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_true">Enabled</span>
<p class="description">Receive email updates on new features we're adding and how to use
<?php } ?>
<th scope="row">API key</th>
<?php if ( is_wp_error( $cnb_user ) || $show_advanced_view_only ) { ?>
<input type="text" class="regular-text" name="cnb[api_key]"
placeholder="e.g. b52c3f83-38dc-4493-bc90-642da5be7e39"/>
<p class="description">Get your API key at <a
href="<?php echo esc_url( $cnb_utils->get_website_url( '', 'settings-account', 'get-api-key' ) ) ?>"><?php echo esc_html( CNB_WEBSITE ) ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( is_wp_error( $cnb_user ) && ! empty( $cnb_options['api_key'] ) ) { ?>
<p><span class="dashicons dashicons-warning"></span> There is an API key,
but it seems to be invalid or outdated.</p>
<p class="description">Clicking "Disconnect account" will drop the API key and disconnect the
plugin from your account. You will lose access to your buttons and all cloud functionality
until you reconnect with a account.
<input type="button" name="cnb_api_key_delete" id="cnb_api_key_delete"
class="button button-link"
value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Disconnect account' ) ?>"
onclick="return cnb_delete_apikey();">
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( ! is_wp_error( $cnb_user ) && isset( $cnb_options['api_key'] ) ) {
$icon = version_compare( $wp_version, '5.5.0', '<' ) ? 'dashicons-yes' : 'dashicons-saved';
<p><strong><span class="dashicons <?php echo esc_attr( $icon ) ?>"></span></strong>
The plugin is connected to your account.</p>
<input type="button" name="cnb_api_key_delete" id="cnb_api_key_delete"
class="button button-secondary"
value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Disconnect account' ) ?>"
onclick="return cnb_delete_apikey();"></p>
<p class="description">Clicking "Disconnect account" will drop the API key and disconnect the
plugin from your account. You will lose access to your buttons and all cloud functionality
until you reconnect with a account.</p>
<input type="hidden" name="cnb[api_key]" id="cnb_api_key" value="delete_me"
<?php } ?>
* @param $cnb_domain CnbDomain|WP_Error
* @param $cnb_user CnbUser|WP_Error
* @return void
private function render_advanced_options( $cnb_domain, $cnb_user ) {
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
global $cnb_domains;
/** @var $cnb_settings UrlSettings */
global $cnb_settings;
$adminFunctions = new CnbAdminFunctions();
$cnbAppRemote = new CnbAppRemote();
$cnb_clean_site_url = $cnbAppRemote->cnb_clean_site_url();
$status = CnbSettingsController::getStatus( $cnb_options );
$user_nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'cnb-user' );
$switch = $cnb_settings->get_storage_type() === 'R2' ? 'GCS' : 'R2';
<table data-tab-name="advanced_options"
class="form-table <?php echo esc_attr( $adminFunctions->is_active_tab( 'advanced_options' ) ) ?>">
<?php if ( isset( $cnb_domain ) && ! is_wp_error( $cnb_domain ) && $status === 'cloud' ) { ?>
<th colspan="2">
<h2>Domain settings</h2>
<input type="hidden" id="cnb_domain_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $cnb_domain->id ) ?>">
( new CnbDomainViewEdit() )->render_form_advanced( $cnb_domain, false );
} ?>
<tr class="when-cloud-enabled cnb_advanced_view">
<th colspan="2"><h2>For power users</h2></th>
<tr class="when-cloud-enabled cnb_advanced_view">
<th><label for="cnb-advanced-view">Advanced view</label></th>
<input type="hidden" name="cnb[advanced_view]" value="0"/>
<input id="cnb-advanced-view" class="cnb_toggle_checkbox" type="checkbox"
value="1" <?php checked( '1', $cnb_options['advanced_view'] ); ?> />
<label for="cnb-advanced-view" class="cnb_toggle_label">Toggle</label>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb-advanced-view"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_false">(Disabled)</span>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb-advanced-view"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_true">Enabled</span>
<p class="description">For power users only.</p>
<?php if ( $status === 'cloud' ) { ?>
<tr class="cnb_advanced_view">
<th><label for="cnb-show-traces">Show traces</label></th>
<input type="hidden" name="cnb[footer_show_traces]" value="0"/>
<input id="cnb-show-traces" class="cnb_toggle_checkbox" type="checkbox"
value="1" <?php checked( '1', $cnb_options['footer_show_traces'] ); ?> />
<label for="cnb-show-traces" class="cnb_toggle_label">Toggle</label>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb-show-traces"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_false">(Disabled)</span>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb-show-traces"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_true">Enabled</span>
<p class="description">Display API calls and timings in the footer.</p>
<?php if ( ! is_wp_error( $cnb_user ) && isset( $cnb_domain ) ) { ?>
<tr class="when-cloud-enabled">
<th scope="row"><label for="cnb[cloud_use_id]">JavaScript snippet</label></th>
<?php if ( $cnb_domain instanceof WP_Error ) {
CnbAdminNotices::get_instance()->warning( 'Almost there! Create your domain using the button at the top of this page.' )
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( isset( $cnb_options['cloud_use_id'] ) ) { ?>
<label><select name="cnb[cloud_use_id]" id="cnb[cloud_use_id]">
value="<?php echo esc_attr( $cnb_user->id ) ?>"
<?php selected( $cnb_user->id, $cnb_options['cloud_use_id'] ) ?>
Full account (all domains)
$loop_domains = array_filter( $cnb_domains, function ( $domain ) use ( $cnb_options, $cnb_clean_site_url ) {
if ( CnbSettingsController::is_advanced_view() ) {
return true;
} // In case of advanced mode, show all
if ( $domain->name === $cnb_clean_site_url ) {
return true;
} // Always show the current domain
if ( $domain->id === $cnb_options['cloud_use_id'] ) {
return true;
} // If a previous weird option was selected, allow it
return false;
} );
foreach ( $loop_domains as $domain ) { ?>
value="<?php echo esc_attr( $domain->id ) ?>"
<?php selected( $domain->id, $cnb_options['cloud_use_id'] ) ?>
<?php echo esc_html( $domain->name ) ?>
(single domain)
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<tr class="when-cloud-enabled cnb_advanced_view">
<th><label for="cnb-all-domains">Show all buttons</label></th>
<input type="hidden" name="cnb[show_all_buttons_for_domain]" value="0"/>
<input id="cnb-all-domains" class="cnb_toggle_checkbox" type="checkbox"
value="1" <?php checked( '1', $cnb_options['show_all_buttons_for_domain'] ); ?> />
<label for="cnb-all-domains" class="cnb_toggle_label">Toggle</label>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb-all-domains"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_false">(Disabled)</span>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb-all-domains"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_true">Enabled</span>
<p class="description">When checked, the "All Buttons" overview shows all
buttons for this account, not just for the current domain.</p>
<tr class="when-cloud-enabled cnb_advanced_view">
<th><label for="cnb[api_base]">API endpoint</label></th>
<input type="text" id="cnb[api_base]" name="cnb[api_base]"
value="<?php echo esc_attr( CnbAppRemote::cnb_get_api_base() ) ?>"/>
<p class="description">The API endpoint to use to communicate with the
CallNowButton Cloud service.<br/>
<strong>Do not change this unless you know what you're doing!</strong>
<tr class="cnb_advanced_view">
<th><label for="cnb-api-caching">API caching</label></th>
<input type="hidden" name="cnb[api_caching]" value="0"/>
<input id="cnb-api-caching" class="cnb_toggle_checkbox" type="checkbox"
value="1" <?php checked( '1', $cnb_options['api_caching'] ); ?> />
<label for="cnb-api-caching" class="cnb_toggle_label">Toggle</label>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb-api-caching"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_false">(Disabled)</span>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb-api-caching"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_true">Enabled</span>
<p class="description">Cache API requests (using WordPress transients)</p>
<tr class="cnb_advanced_view">
<th><label for="cnb-storage_type">Storage type</label></th>
<p>Storage type: <code><?php echo esc_html($cnb_settings->get_storage_type())?></code></p>
<p class="description">What storage backend is NowButtons using?</p>
JS Location: <code><?php echo esc_html($cnb_settings->get_js_location())?></code><br />
CSS Location: <code><?php echo esc_html($cnb_settings->get_css_location())?></code><br />
Static Root: <code><?php echo esc_html($cnb_settings->get_static_root())?></code>
<p class="description">Snippet locations</p>
User Root: <code><?php echo esc_html($cnb_settings->get_user_root())?></code>
<p class="description">Root for the User files</p>
class="cnb-switch-storage-type button button-secondary"
data-storage-type="<?php echo esc_attr($switch) ?>"
data-wpnonce="<? echo esc_attr($user_nonce) ?>"
value="Switch to <?php echo esc_attr($switch) ?>"
<div class="notice inline hidden cnb-switch-storage-type-result"></div>
<?php } // end of cloud check ?>
* @param $use_cloud boolean
* @param $cnb_domain CnbDomain
* @return void
private function render_promos( $use_cloud, $cnb_domain ) {
echo '<div class="cnb-postbox-container cnb-side-column">';
if ( ! $use_cloud ) {
( new CnbAdminFunctions() )->cnb_promobox(
'Enable NowButtons features!',
'<p>Sign up to enable NowButtons features. A set of additional actions and features to power your website.</p>',
'<strong>Get more for FREE!</strong>',
'Learn more',
( new CnbAdminFunctions() )->cnb_legacy_upgrade_page()
if ( $use_cloud && isset( $cnb_domain ) && ! is_wp_error( $cnb_domain ) && $cnb_domain->type !== 'PRO' ) {
$custom_image = plugins_url('resources/images/custom-image.jpg', CNB_PLUGINS_URL_BASE );
$schedule_illustration = plugins_url('resources/images/scheduler.png', CNB_PLUGINS_URL_BASE );
$promoboxes = range(1,3);
$promoItem = array_rand($promoboxes);
$upgrade_url = ( new CnbUtils() )->get_cnb_domain_upgrade();
if ( $promoItem == 1) {
( new CnbAdminFunctions() )->cnb_promobox(
'Schedule your buttons',
'<h4>Show a call button during office hours</h4>' .
'<div class="cnb-center" style="padding: 10px 30px"><img src="' . esc_url( $schedule_illustration ) . '" alt="Upgrade your domain to PRO with an extra discount" style="max-width:300px; width:100%; height:auto;" /></div>' .
'<p>A mail button when you\'re off.</p>' ,
'Try PRO 14 days free',
} elseif ( $promoItem == 2) {
( new CnbAdminFunctions() )->cnb_promobox(
'Professional features',
<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes cnb-green"></span> Button scheduler<br>
<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes cnb-green"></span> Multi-action buttons<br>
<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes cnb-green"></span> Icon picker & custom images<br>
<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes cnb-green"></span> Advanced display rules<br>
<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes cnb-green"></span> Geo targeting<br>
<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes cnb-green"></span> Set scroll height for buttons to appear<br>
<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes cnb-green"></span> Slide-in content windows<br>
<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes cnb-green"></span> Integrate your Intercom chat</p><h3>And much more!</h3>',
'Try PRO 14 days free!',
} else {
( new CnbAdminFunctions() )->cnb_promobox(
'Customize your buttons',
'<h4>Unlock more icons...</h4>' .
'<p>Upgrade to Pro to enable an icon picker for your actions.</p>' .
'<h4>...or personalize with Custom Images</h4>' .
'<div class="cnb-center" style="padding: 0 34px"><img src="' . esc_url( $custom_image ) . '" alt="Custom button images" style="max-width:246px; width:100%; height:auto;" /></div>' .
'<p>With custom images you can add your own image to your buttons.</p>',
'Try PRO 14 days free!',
$support_illustration = plugins_url('resources/images/support.png', CNB_PLUGINS_URL_BASE );
( new CnbAdminFunctions() )->cnb_promobox(
'Need help?',
'<p>Please head over to our <strong>Help Center</strong> for all your questions and support needs.</p>
<div class="cnb-right" style="padding: 10px 10px 10px 70px"><img src="' . esc_url( $support_illustration ) . '" alt="Our Help Center and support options" style="max-width:300px; width:100%; height:auto;" /></div>',
'Open Help Center',
( new CnbUtils() )->get_support_url( '', 'promobox-need-help', 'Help Center' )
echo '</div>';
* @param $cloud_successful boolean
* @param $cnb_domain CnbDomain
* @return void
private function render_premium_option( $cloud_successful, $cnb_domain ) {
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
$cnb_utils = new CnbUtils();
<th colspan="2"><h2></h2></th>
<th scope="row">
<label for="cnb_cloud_enabled">Connection
<?php if ( $cnb_options['cloud_enabled'] == 0 ) { ?>
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( ( new CnbAdminFunctions() )->cnb_legacy_upgrade_page() ) ?>"
<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span>
<?php } ?>
<input type="hidden" name="cnb[cloud_enabled]" value="0"/>
<input id="cnb_cloud_enabled" class="cnb_toggle_checkbox" name="cnb[cloud_enabled]"
value="1" <?php checked( '1', $cnb_options['cloud_enabled'] ); ?> />
<label for="cnb_cloud_enabled" class="cnb_toggle_label">Enable Cloud</label>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb_cloud_enabled"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_false">(Inactive)</span>
<span data-cnb_toggle_state_label="cnb_cloud_enabled"
class="cnb_toggle_state cnb_toggle_true">Active</span>
<?php if ( $cnb_options['cloud_enabled'] == 0 ) { ?>
<p class="description"><a
href="<?php echo esc_url( ( new CnbAdminFunctions() )->cnb_legacy_upgrade_page() ) ?>">Sign
up</a> (free) to add extra functionality.
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( ( new CnbAdminFunctions() )->cnb_legacy_upgrade_page() ) ?>">Learn
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( $cnb_options['cloud_enabled'] == 1 && $cloud_successful && $cnb_domain->type !== 'PRO' ) { ?>
<p class="description">Free and paid options available.
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( ( new CnbUtils() )->get_cnb_domain_upgrade() ) ?>">Learn
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( $cnb_options['cloud_enabled'] == 1 && $cloud_successful ) {
$friends_image = plugins_url('resources/images/coworkers.png', CNB_PLUGINS_URL_BASE ); ?>
<div id="cnb_not_working_tips" class="cnb_inpage_notice">
<img src="<?php echo esc_url( $friends_image ) ?>" alt="Friends offering help">
<p><strong>Is it not working?</strong><br>
The integration works on 99.9% of all websites. Let's fix the issue for you! <a class="button button-primary button-green" target="_blank" href="<?php echo esc_url( $cnb_utils->get_support_url( 'wordpress/implementation/not-working-fix/', 'turning-off-cloud', 'not-working-fix' ) ) ?>"><strong>Fix it!</strong></a></p>
<?php } ?>
function render() {
global $cnb_user, $cnb_domain;
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
$adminFunctions = new CnbAdminFunctions();
wp_enqueue_script( CNB_SLUG . '-settings' );
wp_enqueue_script( CNB_SLUG . '-premium-activation' );
wp_enqueue_script( CNB_SLUG . '-timezone-picker-fix' );
wp_enqueue_script( CNB_SLUG . '-tally' );
wp_enqueue_script( CNB_SLUG . '-domain-upgrade' );
wp_enqueue_script( CNB_SLUG . '-billing-portal' );
add_action( 'cnb_header_name', array( $this, 'header' ) );
$use_cloud = ( new CnbUtils() )->is_use_cloud( $cnb_options );
$status = CnbSettingsController::getStatus( $cnb_options );
if ( $use_cloud ) {
CnbDomain::setSaneDefault( $cnb_domain );
do_action( 'cnb_header' );
$cloud_successful = $status === 'cloud' && isset( $cnb_domain ) && ! ( $cnb_domain instanceof WP_Error );
<div class="cnb-two-column-section">
<div class="cnb-body-column">
<div class="cnb-body-content">
<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
<a data-tab-name="basic_options"
href="<?php echo esc_url( $this->create_tab_url( 'basic_options' ) ) ?>"
class="nav-tab <?php echo esc_attr( $adminFunctions->is_active_tab( 'basic_options' ) ) ?>">General</a>
<?php if ( $use_cloud ) { ?>
<a data-tab-name="account_options"
href="<?php echo esc_url( $this->create_tab_url( 'account_options' ) ) ?>"
class="nav-tab <?php echo esc_attr( $adminFunctions->is_active_tab( 'account_options' ) ) ?>">Account</a>
<a data-tab-name="advanced_options"
href="<?php echo esc_url( $this->create_tab_url( 'advanced_options' ) ) ?>"
class="nav-tab <?php echo esc_attr( $adminFunctions->is_active_tab( 'advanced_options' ) ) ?>">Advanced</a>
<?php } ?>
<form method="post" action="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'options.php' ) ) ?>"
<?php settings_fields( 'cnb_options' ); ?>
<table data-tab-name="basic_options"
class="form-table <?php echo esc_attr( $adminFunctions->is_active_tab( 'basic_options' ) ) ?>">
$this->render_premium_option( $cloud_successful, $cnb_domain );
if ( $status !== 'cloud' ) {
if ( $cloud_successful ) {
$domain_edit = new CnbDomainViewEdit();
$domain_edit->render_form_plan_details( $cnb_domain );
$domain_edit->render_form_tracking( $cnb_domain );
$domain_edit->render_form_button_display( $cnb_domain );
<?php if ( $status === 'cloud' ) {
$this->render_account_options( $cnb_user );
$this->render_advanced_options( $cnb_domain, $cnb_user );
<?php submit_button(); ?>
<?php $this->render_promos( $use_cloud, $cnb_domain ); ?>
do_action( 'cnb_footer' );