File "class-modernrenderer.php"
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File size: 13.36 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
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namespace cnb\renderer;
// don't load directly
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die( '-1' );
class ModernRenderer extends Renderer {
* Enqueues the style required for the modern renderer
* @return void
private function enqueue_frontend_style() {
CNB_SLUG . '-modern-style',
plugins_url('resources/style/modern.css', CNB_PLUGINS_URL_BASE ),
* Note this function escapes both inputs
* @param $icon
* @return string
private function svg( $icon ) {
$svg = '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M27.01355,23.48859l-1.753,1.75305a5.001,5.001,0,0,1-5.19928,1.18243c-1.97193-.69372-4.87335-2.36438-8.43848-5.9295S6.387,14.028,5.6933,12.05615A5.00078,5.00078,0,0,1,6.87573,6.85687L8.62878,5.10376a1,1,0,0,1,1.41431.00012l2.828,2.8288A1,1,0,0,1,12.871,9.3468L11.0647,11.153a1.0038,1.0038,0,0,0-.0821,1.32171,40.74278,40.74278,0,0,0,4.07624,4.58374,40.74143,40.74143,0,0,0,4.58374,4.07623,1.00379,1.00379,0,0,0,1.32171-.08209l1.80622-1.80627a1,1,0,0,1,1.41412-.00012l2.8288,2.828A1.00007,1.00007,0,0,1,27.01355,23.48859Z" fill="' . esc_attr( $icon ) . '"/></svg>';
return base64_encode( $svg );
private function render_comment() {
echo sprintf( '<!-- Call Now Button %1$s ( [renderer:modern]-->%2$s',
esc_attr( CNB_VERSION ),
"\n" );
public function cnb_footer() {
if ($this->should_render()) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security
echo $this->get_button_link();
* @return bool return true if the button should be rendered, false otherwise
function should_render() {
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
// if we cannot even find this option, we skip the header completely
if (!is_array($cnb_options)) {
return false;
$cnb_hide_frontpage = isset( $cnb_options['frontpage'] ) && $cnb_options['frontpage'] == 1;
$cnb_show_limited = isset( $cnb_options['show'] ) && $cnb_options['show'] != '';
/** @noinspection PhpTernaryExpressionCanBeReplacedWithConditionInspection */
$cnb_show_included = isset($cnb_options['limit']) ? $cnb_options['limit'] === 'include' : true;
$is_page_for_posts = get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) == get_queried_object_id() && get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) > 0 && get_queried_object_id() > 0;
if ( $cnb_show_limited ) {
$cnb_show_ids = explode( ',', str_replace( ' ', '', $cnb_options['show'] ) );
if ( is_front_page() ) {
if ( ! $cnb_hide_frontpage ) {
return 1;
} elseif ( $cnb_show_limited ) {
// Is the current page the "posts overview" page
if ( $cnb_show_included ) {
if ( is_single( $cnb_show_ids ) || is_page( $cnb_show_ids ) || $is_page_for_posts ) {
return 2;
} else {
if ( ! is_single( $cnb_show_ids ) && ! is_page( $cnb_show_ids ) && ! $is_page_for_posts ) {
return 3;
} else {
return 4;
return false;
* Returns the <a.. > element that makes up the Modern Call Now Button.
* Note that all values are pre-escaped, so it is safe to echo without escaping.
* @return string|null null in case there is no Button to output
function get_button_link() {
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
// if we cannot even find this option, we skip the header completely
if (!is_array($cnb_options)) {
return null;
$cnb_is_full_width = $cnb_options['appearance'] == 'full' || $cnb_options['appearance'] == 'tfull';
$cnb_has_text = isset( $cnb_options['text'] ) && $cnb_options['text'] !== '';
$cnb_tracking_id = isset($cnb_options['tracking']) ? (int) $cnb_options['tracking'] : 0;
$cnb_conversion_id = isset($cnb_options['conversions']) ? (int) $cnb_options['conversions'] : 0;
$cnb_tracking_id = ( $cnb_tracking_id >= 0 && $cnb_tracking_id <= 3 ) ? $cnb_tracking_id : 0;
$cnb_conversion_id = ( $cnb_conversion_id >= 0 && $cnb_conversion_id <= 2 ) ? $cnb_conversion_id : 0;
$cnb_click_tracking = $cnb_tracking_id > 0;
$cnb_conversion_tracking = $cnb_conversion_id > 0;
$cnb_number = isset( $cnb_options['number'] ) ? $cnb_options['number'] : null;
$cnb_classnames = $this->get_class_names();
// These all return pre-escaped results
$cnb_button_background = $this->get_background_css();
$tracking_code = $this->get_google_tracking_code( $cnb_click_tracking, $cnb_tracking_id );
$conversion_code = $this->get_google_conversion_code( $cnb_conversion_tracking, $cnb_conversion_id );
$cnb_button_text = $this->create_button_text();
$cnb_aria_label = $cnb_has_text ? '' : 'aria-label="Call Now Button"';
$cnb_call_link = '<a ' . $cnb_aria_label;
$cnb_call_link .= ' href="tel:' . esc_attr( $cnb_number ) . '"';
$cnb_call_link .= ' id="callnowbutton"';
$cnb_call_link .= ' class="' . esc_attr( implode(' ', $cnb_classnames ) ) . '"';
$cnb_call_link .= ' style="';
$cnb_call_link .= $cnb_button_background;
$cnb_call_link .= '"';
$cnb_call_link .= $cnb_click_tracking || $cnb_conversion_tracking ? " onclick='" . $tracking_code . $conversion_code . "'" : '';
$cnb_call_link .= '>';
$cnb_call_link .= $cnb_button_text;
$cnb_call_link .= '</a>';
return $cnb_call_link;
public function cnb_head() {
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
// if we cannot even find this option, we skip the header completely
if (!is_array($cnb_options) || !key_exists('appearance', $cnb_options)) {
$appearance = $cnb_options['appearance'];
if ( 'full' === $appearance || 'tfull' === $appearance ) {
switch ( $appearance ) {
case 'tfull':
echo '<style>@media screen and (max-width: 650px) {body {padding-top:60px;}}</style>';
case 'full':
echo '<style>@media screen and (max-width: 650px) {body {padding-bottom:60px;}}</style>';
wp_enqueue_style( CNB_SLUG . '-modern-style' );
function register() {
// We add priority 7 to ensure that we are loaded before wp_head renders the CSS (which is at priority >= 8)
add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'cnb_head', ), 7 );
add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'cnb_footer' ) );
* Decide on the background settings
* Get (pre escaped) CSS for the background
* @return string
private function get_background_css() {
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
if ( 'full' === $cnb_options['appearance'] || 'tfull' === $cnb_options['appearance'] ) {
return sprintf( 'background-color:%1$s;',
esc_attr( $cnb_options['color'] )
} else {
$svg = $this->svg(
$cnb_options['iconcolor'] );
sprintf( 'background-image:url(data:image/svg+xml;base64,%1$s); background-color:%2$s;',
esc_attr( $svg ),
esc_attr( $cnb_options['color'] )
* @param $cnb_click_tracking
* @param $cnb_tracking_id
* @return string
private function get_google_tracking_code( $cnb_click_tracking, $cnb_tracking_id ) {
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
if ( $cnb_click_tracking ) {
switch ( $cnb_tracking_id ) {
case 1:
return '_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "Contact", "Call Now Button", "Phone"]);';
case 2:
return 'ga("send", "event", "Contact", "Call Now Button", "Phone");';
case 3:
$action_value = isset($cnb_options['number']) ? $cnb_options['number'] : null;
$action_label = isset($cnb_options['text']) ? $cnb_options['text'] : null;
$gtag_props = wp_json_encode( array(
'event_category' => 'contact',
'event_label' => 'phone',
'category' => 'Call Now Button',
'action_type' => 'PHONE',
'button_type' => 'Single',
'action_value' => $action_value,
'action_label' => $action_label,
'cnb_version' => CNB_VERSION
) );
return 'gtag("event", "Call Now Button", ' . $gtag_props . ');';
return '';
private function get_google_conversion_code( $cnb_conversion_tracking, $cnb_conversion_id ) {
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
if ( $cnb_conversion_tracking ) {
switch ( $cnb_conversion_id ) {
case 1:
return 'return gtag_report_conversion("tel:' . esc_js( $cnb_options['number'] ) . '");';
case 2:
return 'goog_report_conversion("tel:' . esc_js( $cnb_options['number'] ) . '");';
return '';
private function create_button_text() {
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
$cnb_has_text = isset( $cnb_options['text'] ) && $cnb_options['text'] !== '';
$cnb_is_full_width = $cnb_options['appearance'] == 'full' || $cnb_options['appearance'] == 'tfull';
$cnb_hide_icon = isset( $cnb_options['hideIcon'] ) && $cnb_options['hideIcon'] == 1;
// Full Width options
if ( $cnb_is_full_width ) {
$svg = $this->svg( $cnb_options['iconcolor'] );
$result = '';
if ( ! $cnb_hide_icon ) {
$altAttr = $cnb_has_text ? 'alt=""' : 'alt="Call Now Button"';
$result .= sprintf( '<img ' . $altAttr . ' src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,%1$s" width="40">',
esc_attr( $svg ) );
if ( $cnb_has_text ) {
$result .= sprintf( '<span style="color:%1$s">%2$s</span>',
esc_attr( $cnb_options['iconcolor'] ),
esc_html( $cnb_options['text'] )
return $result;
// Single options
if ( ! $cnb_has_text ) {
return '<span>Call Now Button</span>';
return sprintf( '<span>%1$s</span>',
esc_html( $cnb_options['text'] )
* Get the zoom level for the Modern button.
* The internal values are 0.7 - 1.3 (it defaults to 1.0)
* @return int 70 - 130, defaults to 100
private function get_zoom() {
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
$cnb_zoom = isset( $cnb_options['zoom'] ) ? (float) $cnb_options['zoom'] : 1.0;
return (int) ($cnb_zoom * 100);
* Get the z-index meta number for the Modern button.
* @return int 1-10, defaults to 10
private function get_zindex() {
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
return isset( $cnb_options['z-index'] ) ? (int) $cnb_options['z-index'] : 10;
* Return all the various classes needed to style the legacy Call Now Button.
* @return string[]
private function get_class_names() {
$cnb_options = get_option( 'cnb' );
$cnb_classnames = array('call-now-button');
// Button zoom
$cnb_classnames[] = ' cnb-zoom-' . esc_attr( $this->get_zoom() );
// Button z-index
$cnb_classnames[] = ' cnb-zindex-' . esc_attr( $this->get_zindex() );
// Button has text?
if ( isset( $cnb_options['text'] ) && $cnb_options['text'] !== '' ) {
$cnb_classnames[] = ' cnb-text';
// Button type & position
if ( $cnb_options['appearance'] === 'full' ) {
$cnb_classnames[] = ' cnb-full cnb-full-bottom';
} elseif ( $cnb_options['appearance'] === 'tfull' ) {
$cnb_classnames[] = ' cnb-full cnb-full-top';
} else {
$cnb_classnames[] = ' cnb-single cnb-' . $cnb_options['appearance'];
$displayMode = isset( $cnb_options['displaymode'] ) ? $cnb_options['displaymode'] : 'MOBILE_ONLY';
switch ($displayMode) {
array_push($cnb_classnames, 'cnb-displaymode', 'cnb-displaymode-mobile-only');
array_push($cnb_classnames, 'cnb-displaymode', 'cnb-displaymode-desktop-only');
case 'ALWAYS':
array_push($cnb_classnames, 'cnb-displaymode', 'cnb-displaymode-always');
return $cnb_classnames;