File "FileWriter-20241225145354.php"
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File size: 13.15 KB
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* Provides write operation context via the WordPress file system API
class Loco_fs_FileWriter {
* @var Loco_fs_File
private $file;
* @var WP_Filesystem_Base
private $fs;
* @param Loco_fs_File $file
public function __construct( Loco_fs_File $file ){
* @param Loco_fs_File $file
* @return Loco_fs_FileWriter
public function setFile( Loco_fs_File $file ){
$this->file = $file;
return $this;
* Connect to alternative file system context
* @param WP_Filesystem_Base $fs
* @param bool $disconnected whether reconnect required
* @return Loco_fs_FileWriter
* @throws Loco_error_WriteException
public function connect( WP_Filesystem_Base $fs, $disconnected = true ){
if( $disconnected && ! $fs->connect() ){
$errors = $fs->errors;
if( is_wp_error($errors) ){
foreach( $errors->get_error_messages() as $reason ){
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( __('Failed to connect to remote server','loco-translate') );
$this->fs = $fs;
return $this;
* Revert to direct file system connection
* @return self
public function disconnect(){
$this->fs = Loco_api_WordPressFileSystem::direct();
return $this;
* Get mapped path for use in indirect file system manipulation
* @return string
public function getPath(){
return $this->mapPath( $this->file->getPath() );
* Map virtual path for remote file system
* @param string $path
* @return string
private function mapPath( $path ){
if( ! $this->isDirect() ){
$base = untrailingslashit( Loco_fs_File::abs(loco_constant('WP_CONTENT_DIR')) );
$snip = strlen($base);
if( substr( $path, 0, $snip ) !== $base ){
// fall back to default path in case of symlinks
$base = trailingslashit(ABSPATH).'wp-content';
$snip = strlen($base);
if( substr( $path, 0, $snip ) !== $base ){
throw new Loco_error_WriteException('Remote path must be under WP_CONTENT_DIR');
$virt = $this->fs->wp_content_dir();
if( false === $virt ){
throw new Loco_error_WriteException('Failed to find WP_CONTENT_DIR via remote connection');
$virt = untrailingslashit( $virt );
$path = substr_replace( $path, $virt, 0, $snip );
return $path;
* Test if a direct (not remote) file system
* @return bool
public function isDirect(){
return $this->fs instanceof WP_Filesystem_Direct;
* @return bool
public function writable(){
return ! $this->disabled() && $this->fs->is_writable( $this->getPath() );
* @param int $mode file mode integer e.g 0664
* @param bool $recursive whether to set recursively (directories)
* @return Loco_fs_FileWriter
* @throws Loco_error_WriteException
public function chmod( $mode, $recursive = false ){
if( ! $this->fs->chmod( $this->getPath(), $mode, $recursive ) ){
// translators: %s refers to a file name, for which the chmod operation failed.
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( sprintf( __('Failed to chmod %s','loco-translate'), $this->file->basename() ) );
return $this;
* @param Loco_fs_File $copy target for copy
* @return Loco_fs_FileWriter
* @throws Loco_error_WriteException
public function copy( Loco_fs_File $copy ){
$source = $this->getPath();
$target = $this->mapPath( $copy->getPath() );
// bugs in WP file system "exists" methods means we must force $overwrite=true; so checking file existence first
if( $copy->exists() ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug(sprintf('Cannot copy %s to %s (target already exists)',$source,$target));
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( __('Refusing to copy over an existing file','loco-translate') );
// ensure target directory exists, although in most cases copy will be in situ
$parent = $copy->getParent();
if( $parent && ! $parent->exists() ){
// perform WP file system copy method
if( ! $this->fs->copy($source,$target,true) ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug(sprintf('Failed to copy %s to %s via "%s" method',$source,$target,$this->fs->method));
// translators: (1) Source file name (2) Target file name
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( sprintf( __('Failed to copy %1$s to %2$s','loco-translate'), basename($source), basename($target) ) );
return $this;
* @param Loco_fs_File $dest target file with new path
* @return Loco_fs_FileWriter
* @throws Loco_error_WriteException
public function move( Loco_fs_File $dest ){
$orig = $this->file;
try {
// target should have been authorized to create the new file
$context = clone $dest->getWriteContext();
// source should have been authorized to delete the original file
return $this;
catch( Loco_error_WriteException $e ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug('copy/delete failure: '.$e->getMessage() );
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( sprintf( 'Failed to move %s', $orig->basename() ) );
* @param bool $recursive
* @return self
* @throws Loco_error_WriteException
public function delete( $recursive = false ){
if( ! $this->fs->delete( $this->getPath(), $recursive ) ){
// translators: %s refers to a file name, for which a delete operation failed.
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( sprintf( __('Failed to delete %s','loco-translate'), $this->file->basename() ) );
return $this;
* @param string $data
* @return Loco_fs_FileWriter
* @throws Loco_error_WriteException
public function putContents( $data ){
$file = $this->file;
if( $file->isDirectory() ){
// translators: %s refers to a directory name which was expected to be an ordinary file
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( sprintf( __('"%s" is a directory, not a file','loco-translate'), $file->basename() ) );
// file having no parent directory is likely an error, like a relative path.
$dir = $file->getParent();
if( ! $dir ){
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( sprintf('Bad file path "%s"',$file) );
// avoid chmod of existing file
if( $file->exists() ){
$mode = $file->mode();
// may have bypassed definition of FS_CHMOD_FILE
else {
$mode = defined('FS_CHMOD_FILE') ? FS_CHMOD_FILE : 0644;
// new file may also require directory path building
if( ! $dir->exists() ){
$fs = $this->fs;
$path = $this->getPath();
if( ! $fs->put_contents($path,$data,$mode) ){
// provide useful reason for failure if possible
if( $file->exists() && ! $file->writable() ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( sprintf('File not writable via "%s" method, check permissions on %s',$fs->method,$path) );
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( __("Permission denied to update file",'loco-translate') );
// directory path should exist or have thrown error earlier.
// directory path may not be writable by same fs context
if( ! $dir->writable() ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( sprintf('Directory not writable via "%s" method; check permissions for %s',$fs->method,$dir) );
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( __("Parent directory isn't writable",'loco-translate') );
// else reason for failure is not established
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( sprintf('Unknown write failure via "%s" method; check %s',$fs->method,$path) );
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( __('Failed to save file','loco-translate').': '.$file->basename() );
// trigger hook every time a file is written. This allows caches to be invalidated
try {
do_action( 'loco_file_written', $path );
catch( Exception $e ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::add( Loco_error_Exception::convert($e) );
return $this;
* Create current directory context
* @param Loco_fs_File|null $here optional working directory
* @return bool
* @throws Loco_error_WriteException
public function mkdir( Loco_fs_File $here = null ) {
if( is_null($here) ){
$here = $this->file;
$fs = $this->fs;
// may have bypassed definition of FS_CHMOD_DIR
$mode = defined('FS_CHMOD_DIR') ? FS_CHMOD_DIR : 0755;
// find first ancestor that exists while building tree
$stack = [];
/* @var $parent Loco_fs_Directory */
while( $parent = $here->getParent() ){
array_unshift( $stack, $this->mapPath( $here->getPath() ) );
if( '/' === $parent->getPath() || $parent->readable() ){
// have existent directory, now build full path
foreach( $stack as $path ){
if( ! $fs->mkdir($path,$mode) ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( sprintf('mkdir(%s,%03o) failed via "%s" method;',var_export($path,1),$mode,$fs->method) );
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( __('Failed to create directory','loco-translate') );
return true;
$here = $parent;
// refusing to create directory when the entire path is missing. e.g. "/bad"
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( __('Failed to build directory path','loco-translate') );
* Check whether write operations are permitted, or throw
* @throws Loco_error_WriteException
* @return self
public function authorize(){
if( $this->disabled() ){
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( __('File modification is disallowed by your WordPress config','loco-translate') );
$opts = Loco_data_Settings::get();
// deny system file changes (fs_protect = 2)
if( 1 < $opts->fs_protect && $this->file->getUpdateType() ){
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( __('Modification of installed files is disallowed by the plugin settings','loco-translate') );
// we may need to examine multiple extensions, or there may be none for directories
$exts = array_slice( explode('.',strtolower($this->file->basename())), 1 );
if( ! $exts ){
return $this;
$ext = array_pop($exts);
// deny POT modification (pot_protect = 2)
// this assumes that templates all have .pot extension, which isn't guaranteed. UI should prevent saving of wrongly files like "default.po"
if( 'pot' === $ext && 1 < $opts->pot_protect ){
throw new Loco_error_WriteException( __( 'Modification of POT (template) files is disallowed by the plugin settings', 'loco-translate' ) );
// Full list of file extensions this plugin can modify; note that specific actions may limit this further.
$allow = [ 'po'=>1, 'pot'=>1, 'mo'=>1, 'json'=>1, 'po~'=>1, 'pot~'=>1, 'txt'=>1, 'xml'=>1, 'zip'=>1 ];
if( array_key_exists($ext,$allow) ){
return $this;
// Writing to PHP files is generally disallowed, but we need to write l10n.php cache files
if( preg_match('/php\\d*/i',$ext) ){
$prev = array_pop($exts);
if( 'mo' === $prev || 'l10n' === $prev ){
return $this;
throw new Loco_error_WriteException('File extension disallowed .'.$ext );
* Check if file system modification is banned at WordPress level
* @return bool
public function disabled(){
// WordPress >= 4.8
if( function_exists('wp_is_file_mod_allowed') ){
$context = apply_filters( 'loco_file_mod_allowed_context', 'download_language_pack', $this->file );
return ! wp_is_file_mod_allowed( $context );
// fall back to direct constant check
return (bool) loco_constant('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS');