File "MoveController-20241225185428.php"
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File size: 9.06 KB
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* Translation set relocation tool.
* Moves PO/MO pair and all related files to a new location
class Loco_admin_file_MoveController extends Loco_admin_file_BaseController {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function init(){
$file = $this->get('file');
/* @var Loco_fs_File $file */
if( $file->exists() && ! $file->isDirectory() ){
$files = new Loco_fs_Siblings($file);
$files->setDomain( $this->getDomain() );
// nonce action will be specific to file for extra security
$path = $file->getPath();
$action = 'move:'.$path;
// set up view now in case of late failure
$fields = new Loco_mvc_HiddenFields( [] );
$fields->setNonce( $action );
$fields['auth'] = 'move';
$fields['path'] = $this->get('path');
$this->set('hidden',$fields );
// attempt move if valid nonce posted back
while( $this->checkNonce($action) ){
$post = Loco_mvc_PostParams::get();
// Chosen location should be valid as a posted "dest" parameter
if( ! $post->has('dest') ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::err('No destination posted');
$target = new Loco_fs_LocaleFile( $post->dest );
$ext = $target->extension();
// could be a directory when we wanted the full path to the file
if( $target->isDirectory() ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::err('Enter the full path to the .'.$file->extension().' file, not the directory');
// primary file extension should only be permitted to change between po and pot
if( $ext !== $file->extension() && 'po' !== $ext && 'pot' !== $ext ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::err('Invalid file extension, .po or .pot only');
$target->normalize( loco_constant('WP_CONTENT_DIR') );
$target_dir = $target->getParent()->getPath();
// Primary file gives template remapping, so all files are renamed with same stub.
// this can only be one of three things: (en -> en) or (foo-en -> en) or (en -> foo-en)
// suffix will then consist of file extension, plus any other stuff like backup file date.
$target_base = $target->filename();
$source_snip = strlen( $file->filename() );
// buffer all files to move to preempt write failures
$movable = [];
$api = new Loco_api_WordPressFileSystem;
foreach( $files->expand() as $source ){
$suffix = substr( $source->basename(), $source_snip ); // <- e.g. "-backup.po~"
$target = new Loco_fs_File( $target_dir.'/'.$target_base.$suffix );
// permit valid change of file extension on primary source file (po/pot)
if( $source === $files->getSource() && $target->extension() !== $ext ){
$target = $target->cloneExtension($ext);
if( ! $api->authorizeMove($source,$target) ) {
Loco_error_AdminNotices::err('Failed to authorize relocation of '.$source->basename() );
break 2;
$movable[] = [$source,$target];
// commit moves. If any fail we'll have separated the files, which is bad
$count = 0;
$total = count($movable);
foreach( $movable as $pair ){
try {
$pair[0]->move( $pair[1] );
catch( Loco_error_Exception $e ){
// flash messages for display after redirect
try {
if( $count ) {
// translators: %s is the quantity of files which were successfully moved
Loco_data_Session::get()->flash( 'success', sprintf( _n( '%s file moved', '%s files moved', $total, 'loco-translate' ), $total ) );
if( $total > $count ){
$diff = $total - $count;
// translators: %s is the quantity of files which failed to be moved
Loco_data_Session::get()->flash( 'error', sprintf( _n( '%s file could not be moved', '%s files could not be moved', $diff, 'loco-translate' ), $diff ) );
catch( Exception $e ){
// tolerate session failure
// redirect to bundle overview
$href = Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate( $this->get('type').'-view', [ 'bundle' => $this->get('bundle') ] );
if( wp_redirect($href) ){
// end pseudo loop
// set page title before render sets inline title
$bundle = $this->getBundle();
// translators: Page title where %s is the name of a file to be moved
$this->set('title', sprintf( __('Move %s','loco-translate'), $file->basename() ).' ‹ '.$bundle->getName() );
* {@inheritdoc}
public function render(){
$file = $this->get('file');
if( $fail = $this->getFileError($file) ){
return $fail;
// relocation requires knowing text domain and locale
$files = new Loco_fs_Siblings($file);
try {
$project = $this->getProject();
$files->setDomain( $project->getDomain()->getName() );
catch( Loco_error_Exception $e ){
$project = null;
$file = new Loco_fs_LocaleFile( $files->getSource() );
$locale = $file->getLocale();
// switch between canonical move and custom file path mode
$custom = is_null($project) || $this->get('custom') || 'po' !== $file->extension() || ! $locale->isValid();
// common page elements:
$this->set('files',$files->expand() );
// phpcs:ignore -- duplicate string
$this->setFileTitle($file,__('Move %s','loco-translate'));
// set info for existing file location
$content_dir = loco_constant('WP_CONTENT_DIR');
$current = $file->getRelativePath($content_dir);
$parent = new Loco_fs_LocaleDirectory( $file->dirname() );
$typeId = $parent->getTypeId();
$this->set('current', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams([
'path' => $parent->getRelativePath($content_dir),
'type' => $parent->getTypeLabel($typeId),
]) );
// moving files will require deletion permission on current file location
// plus write permission on target location, but we don't know what that is yet.
$fields = $this->prepareFsConnect('move',$current);
$fields['path'] = '';
$fields['dest'] = '';
// custom file move template (POT mode)
if( $custom ){
$this->set('file', Loco_mvc_FileParams::create($file) );
return $this->view('admin/file/move-pot');
// establish valid locations for translation set, which may include current:
$filechoice = $project->initLocaleFiles($locale);
// start with current location so always first in list
$locations = [];
$locations[$typeId] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [
'label' => $parent->getTypeLabel($typeId),
'paths' => [ new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [
'path' => $current,
'active' => true,
] ) ]
] );
/* @var Loco_fs_File $pofile */
foreach( $filechoice as $pofile ){
$relpath = $pofile->getRelativePath($content_dir);
if( $current === $relpath ){
// initialize location type (system, etc..)
$parent = new Loco_fs_LocaleDirectory( $pofile->dirname() );
$typeId = $parent->getTypeId();
if( ! isset($locations[$typeId]) ){
$locations[$typeId] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [
'label' => $parent->getTypeLabel($typeId),
'paths' => [],
] );
$choice = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [
'path' => $relpath,
] );
$locations[$typeId]['paths'][] = $choice;
$this->set('locations', $locations );
$this->set('advanced', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&custom=1' );
return $this->view('admin/file/move-po');