File "InitPotController-20241225175324.php"
Full Path: /home/flipjqml/
File size: 4.86 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8
* pre-xgettext function. Initializes a new PO file for a given locale
class Loco_admin_init_InitPotController extends Loco_admin_bundle_BaseController {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function init(){
$bundle = $this->getBundle();
$this->set('title', __('New template','loco-translate').' ‹ '.$bundle );
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getHelpTabs(){
return [
__('Overview') => $this->viewSnippet('tab-init-pot'),
* {@inheritdoc}
public function render(){
$breadcrumb = $this->prepareNavigation();
// "new" tab is confusing when no project-scope navigation
// $this->get('tabs')->add( __('New POT','loco-translate'), '', true );
$bundle = $this->getBundle();
$project = $this->getProject();
$domain = (string) $project->getDomain();
$this->set('domain', $domain );
// Tokenizer required for string extraction
if( ! loco_check_extension('tokenizer') ){
return $this->view('admin/errors/no-tokenizer');
// Establish default POT path whether it exists or not
$pot = $project->getPot();
// POT should actually not exist at this stage. It should be edited instead.
if( $pot->exists() ){
throw new Loco_error_Exception( __('Template file already exists','loco-translate') );
// Bundle may deliberately lock template to avoid end-user tampering
// it makes little sense to do so when template doesn't exist, but we will honour the setting anyway.
if( $project->isPotLocked() ){
throw new Loco_error_Exception('Template is protected from updates by the bundle configuration');
// Just warn if POT writing will fail when saved, but still show screen
$dir = $pot->getParent();
// Avoiding full source scan until actioned, but calculate size to manage expectations
$bytes = 0;
$nfiles = 0;
$nskip = 0;
$largest = 0;
$sources = $project->findSourceFiles();
// skip files larger than configured maximum
$opts = Loco_data_Settings::get();
$max = wp_convert_hr_to_bytes( $opts->max_php_size );
/* @var $sourceFile Loco_fs_File */
foreach( $sources as $sourceFile ){
$fsize = $sourceFile->size();
$largest = max( $largest, $fsize );
if( $fsize > $max ){
$nskip += 1;
// uncomment to log which files are too large to be scanned
// Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( sprintf('%s is %s',$sourceFile,Loco_mvc_FileParams::renderBytes($fsize)) );
else {
$bytes += $fsize;
$this->set( 'scan', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [
'bytes' => $bytes,
'count' => $nfiles,
'skip' => $nskip,
'size' => Loco_mvc_FileParams::renderBytes($bytes),
'large' => Loco_mvc_FileParams::renderBytes($max),
'largest' => Loco_mvc_FileParams::renderBytes($largest),
] ) );
// file metadata
$this->set('pot', Loco_mvc_FileParams::create( $pot ) );
$this->set('dir', Loco_mvc_FileParams::create( $dir ) );
$title = __('New template file','loco-translate');
// translators: %s refers to the name of a translation set (theme, plugin or core component)
$subhead = sprintf( __('New translations template for "%s"','loco-translate'), $project );
$this->set('subhead', $subhead );
// navigate up to bundle listing page
$breadcrumb->add( $title );
$this->set( 'breadcrumb', $breadcrumb );
// ajax service takes the target directory path
$content_dir = loco_constant('WP_CONTENT_DIR');
$target_path = $pot->getParent()->getRelativePath($content_dir);
// hidden fields to pass through to Ajax endpoint
$this->set( 'hidden', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [
'action' => 'loco_json',
'route' => 'xgettext',
'loco-nonce' => $this->setNonce('xgettext')->value,
'type' => $bundle->getType(),
'bundle' => $bundle->getHandle(),
'domain' => $project->getId(),
'path' => $target_path,
'name' => $pot->basename(),
] ) );
// File system connect required if location not writable
$relpath = $pot->getRelativePath($content_dir);
$this->prepareFsConnect('create', $relpath );
return $this->view( 'admin/init/init-pot' );