File "Compiler.php"
Full Path: /home/flipjqml/
File size: 12.68 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8
* Utility for compiling PO data to MO AND JSON files
class Loco_gettext_Compiler {
* @var Loco_api_WordPressFileSystem|null
private $fs;
* Target file group, where we're compiling to
* @var Loco_fs_Siblings
private $files;
* Result when files written
* @var Loco_fs_FileList
private $done;
* @var Loco_mvc_ViewParams
private $progress;
* Construct with primary file (PO) being saved
* @param Loco_fs_File $pofile Localised PO file which may or may not exist yet
public function __construct( Loco_fs_File $pofile ){
$this->files = new Loco_fs_Siblings($pofile);
$this->progress = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [
'pobytes' => 0,
'mobytes' => 0,
'numjson' => 0,
'phbytes' => 0,
] );
// Connect compiler to the file system, if writing to disk for real
if( ! $pofile instanceof Loco_fs_DummyFile ) {
$this->fs = new Loco_api_WordPressFileSystem;
$this->done = new Loco_fs_FileList;
* @return Loco_fs_FileList
public function writeAll( Loco_gettext_Data $po, Loco_package_Project $project = null ){
if( $project ){
return $this->done;
* @return int bytes written to PO file
* @throws Loco_error_WriteException
public function writePo( Loco_gettext_Data $po ){
$file = $this->files->getSource();
// Perform PO file backup before overwriting an existing PO
if( $file->exists() && $this->fs ){
$backups = new Loco_fs_Revisions($file);
$backup = $backups->rotate($this->fs);
// debug backup creation only under cli or ajax. too noisy printing on screen
if( $backup && ( loco_doing_ajax() || 'cli' === PHP_SAPI ) && $backup->exists() ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( sprintf('Wrote backup: %s -> %s',$file->basename(),$backup->basename() ) );
$bytes = $this->writeFile( $file, $po->msgcat() );
$this->progress['pobytes'] = $bytes;
return $bytes;
* @return int bytes written to MO file
public function writeMo( Loco_gettext_Data $po ){
try {
$mofile = $this->files->getBinary();
$bytes = $this->writeFile( $mofile, $po->msgfmt() );
catch( Exception $e ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( $e->getMessage() );
Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn( __('PO file saved, but MO file compilation failed','loco-translate') );
$bytes = 0;
$this->progress['mobytes'] = $bytes;
// write PHP cache, if WordPress >= 6.5
if( 0 !== $bytes ){
try {
$this->progress['phbytes'] = $this->writePhp($po);
catch( Exception $e ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( $e->getMessage() );
return $bytes;
* @return int bytes written to .l10n.php file
private function writePhp( Loco_gettext_Data $po ){
$phfile = $this->files->getCache();
if( $phfile && class_exists('WP_Translation_File_PHP',false) ){
return $this->writeFile( $phfile, Loco_gettext_PhpCache::render($po) );
return 0;
* @param Loco_package_Project $project Translation set, required to resolve script paths
* @param Loco_gettext_Data $po PO data to export
* @return Loco_fs_FileList All json files created
public function writeJson( Loco_package_Project $project, Loco_gettext_Data $po ){
$domain = $project->getDomain()->getName();
$pofile = $this->files->getSource();
$jsons = new Loco_fs_FileList;
// Allow plugins to dictate a single JSON file to hold all script translations for a text domain
// authors will additionally have to filter at runtime on load_script_translation_file
$path = apply_filters('loco_compile_single_json', '', $pofile->getPath(), $domain );
if( is_string($path) && '' !== $path ){
$refs = $po->splitRefs( $this->getJsExtMap() );
if( array_key_exists('js',$refs) && $refs['js'] instanceof Loco_gettext_Data ){
$jsonfile = new Loco_fs_File($path);
$json = $refs['js']->msgjed($domain,'*.js');
try {
if( '' !== $json ){
catch( Loco_error_WriteException $e ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( $e->getMessage() );
// translators: %s refers to a JSON file which could not be compiled due to an error
Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn( sprintf(__('JSON compilation failed for %s','loco-translate'),$jsonfile->basename()) );
// continue as per default, generating multiple per-script JSON
else {
$buffer = [];
$base_dir = $project->getBundle()->getDirectoryPath();
$extensions = array_keys( $this->getJsExtMap() );
$refsGrep = '\\.(?:'.implode('|',$extensions).')';
/* @var Loco_gettext_Data $fragment */
foreach( $po->exportRefs($refsGrep) as $ref => $fragment ){
$use = null;
// Reference could be a js source file, or a minified version. We'll try .min.js first, then .js
// Build systems may differ, but WordPress only supports these suffixes. See WP-CLI MakeJsonCommand.
if( substr($ref,-7) === '.min.js' ) {
$paths = [ $ref, substr($ref,-7).'.js' ];
else {
$paths = [ substr($ref,0,-3).'.min.js', $ref ];
// Try .js and .min.js paths to check whether deployed script actually exists
foreach( $paths as $path ){
// Hook into load_script_textdomain_relative_path like load_script_textdomain() does.
$url = $project->getBundle()->getDirectoryUrl().$path;
$path = apply_filters( 'load_script_textdomain_relative_path', $path, $url );
if( ! is_string($path) || '' === $path ){
// by default ignore js file that is not in deployed code
$file = new Loco_fs_File($path);
if( apply_filters('loco_compile_script_reference',$file->exists(),$path,$domain) ){
$use = $path;
// if neither exists in the bundle, this is a source path that will never be resolved at runtime
if( is_null($use) ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( sprintf('Skipping JSON for %s; script not found in bundle',$ref) );
// add .js strings to buffer for this json and merge if already present
else if( array_key_exists($use,$buffer) ){
else {
$buffer[$use] = $fragment;
if( $buffer ){
// write all buffered fragments to their computed JSON paths
foreach( $buffer as $ref => $fragment ) {
$json = $fragment->msgjed($domain,$ref);
if( '' === $json ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( sprintf('Skipping JSON for %s; no translations',$ref) );
try {
$jsonfile = self::cloneJson($pofile,$ref,$domain);
$this->writeFile( $jsonfile, $json );
catch( Loco_error_WriteException $e ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( $e->getMessage() );
// phpcs:ignore -- comment already applied to this string elsewhere
Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn( sprintf(__('JSON compilation failed for %s','loco-translate'),$ref));
$buffer = null;
// clean up redundant JSONs including if no JSONs were compiled
if( Loco_data_Settings::get()->jed_clean ){
foreach( $this->files->getJsons($domain) as $path ){
$jsonfile = new Loco_fs_File($path);
if( ! $jsons->has($jsonfile) ){
try {
catch( Loco_error_WriteException $e ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug('Unable to remove redundant JSON: '.$e->getMessage() );
$this->progress['numjson'] = $jsons->count();
return $jsons;
* Clone localised file as a WordPress script translation file
* @return Loco_fs_File
private static function cloneJson( Loco_fs_File $pofile, $ref, $domain ){
$name = $pofile->filename();
// Theme author PO files have no text domain, but JSON files must always be prefixed
if( $domain && 'default' !== $domain && preg_match('/^[a-z]{2,3}(?:_[a-z\\d_]+)?$/i',$name) ){
$name = $domain.'-'.$name;
// Hashable reference is always finally unminified, as per load_script_textdomain()
if( is_string($ref) && '' !== $ref ){
$name .= '-'.self::hashRef($ref);
return $pofile->cloneBasename( $name.'.json' );
* Hashable reference is always finally unminified, as per load_script_textdomain()
* @param string $ref script path relative to plugin base
* @return string
private static function hashRef( $ref ){
if( substr($ref,-7) === '.min.js' ) {
$ref = substr($ref,0,-7).'.js';
return md5($ref);
* Fetch compilation summary and raise most relevant success message
* @return Loco_mvc_ViewParams
public function getSummary(){
$pofile = $this->files->getSource();
// Avoid calling this unless the initial PO save was successful
if( ! $this->progress['pobytes'] ){
throw new LogicException('PO not saved');
// Summary for localised file includes MO+JSONs
$mobytes = $this->progress['mobytes'];
$numjson = $this->progress['numjson'];
if( $mobytes && $numjson ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::success( __('PO file saved and MO/JSON files compiled','loco-translate') );
else if( $mobytes ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::success( __('PO file saved and MO file compiled','loco-translate') );
else {
// translators: Success notice where %s is a file extension, e.g. "PO"
Loco_error_AdminNotices::success( sprintf(__('%s file saved','loco-translate'),strtoupper($pofile->extension())) );
return $this->progress;
* Get all files written, not including backups.
* @return Loco_fs_File[]
public function getFilesWritten(){
return $this->done->getArrayCopy();
* Obtain non-standard JavaScript file extensions.
* @return string[] where keys are PCRE safe extensions, all mapped to "js"
private function getJsExtMap(){
$map = ['js'=>'js','jsx'=>'js'];
$exts = Loco_data_Settings::get()->jsx_alias;
if( is_array($exts) && $exts ){
$exts = array_map( [__CLASS__,'pregQuote'], $exts);
$map = array_fill_keys($exts,'js') + $map;
return $map;
* @internal
private static function pregQuote( $value ){
return preg_quote($value,'/');
* @param Loco_fs_File $file
* @param string $data to write to given file
* @return int bytes written
public function writeFile( Loco_fs_File $file, $data ){
if( $this->fs ) {
$this->fs->authorizeSave( $file );
$bytes = $file->putContents($data);
if( 0 !== $bytes ){
$this->done->add($file );
return $bytes;